All products are personally chosen and inspected for quality. If you are
unsatisfied with the quality of our items, please contact customer service with
your order number within 5 days after delivery for return/replacement
instructions. The product should be in its original unused form for return. We
are not responsible for any return shipping charges.
Products listed in our 'Electronics' section are purchased directly from the
authorized dealers. If there is any technical fault after use, it will be
covered under the warranty provided by the manufacturers, but these products can
not be replaced due to any other reason such as changing it with a different
model or returning due to any other non-technical issue.
Order Cancellation Policy: reserves the right to cancel any order. Order may be canceled due
to the following reasons:
- Requested by the customer.
- Customer fails to provide any further verification if requested.
- Order fails security checks.
If an order fails security checks and is canceled within 24 hours, no amount is
charged. If the order is canceled (due to 1st or 2nd reason) 24 hours after the
order is placed, we would deduct 5.5% of the total amount. This deduction is for
the credit card processing fee that is charged to us by the credit card
processing company.